Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Ethics of Men's Hats

By now you have an idea about why you need to begin wearing men's hats (if you're a guy, that is). It begs the question, should all guys wear a hat?

Obviously some men just will not wear a hat. Some men are prima donnas in that way, and they think that a nice hat will mess up their gorgeous flowing mane. I've never been able to understand that thinking but that's a different story.

Similarly, many men will find that owning a single hat is just not an option. They'll need to buy ten or twenty to fit the occasion.

I remember reading Theodore Geisel's biography (Dr. Seuss) and he said that when he and other writers were stumped with writer's block, with a twinkle in his eys, Geisel would open the closet door and pull out a large selection of hats. He'd then say, "we need to put on our thinking caps. Choose one." It's a great story that illustrates the need for owning more than one hat.

The first thing I'd recommend is that you toss all of your baseball caps. Our society is positively inundated with caps. How incredibly boring and mundane! We need some class. We need style.

That does it, I'm coining a new slogan: Scrap the Cap! Okay, perhaps it's not the most creative slogan that ever existed, but it makes the point. We can do better than mere baseball caps.

I think the country music singers have it right. You'll see many of them in some sort of cowboy hat. Those hats, too, have the potential of becoming monotonous (what if everyone wore cowboy hats? That would be equally as boring as the baseball caps, despite the twelve or twenty different ways you can wear a baseball cap on the noggin).

But that's what makes the world an exciting place to live in. We have variety. We have a thousand different brands of toilet paper. Certainly we can be creative with the men's hats that are sold and marketed in the stores. That's what I think the problem is, marketing. And again, I digress.

1 comment:

jetcap said...

Men hats are very popular in european countries from very long time. It is used in very occasions and even as daily dress.

Top Hats